MOSI Museum of Science and Industry


As part of Swaptember, we took Ajax and Buttercup to the Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) in Tampa. Swaptember is a great promotion between the Florida Aquarium, MOSI, and the Lowry Park Zoo where season pass members can visit any of the participating venues free of charge. Ajax has been to MOSI before, but this was Buttercup’s first time to this amazing facility.

MOSI has so many exhibits it’s hard to make it to every exhibit. Ajax and Buttercup really enjoyed the 3D Printing the Future exhibit, the Amazing You exhibit, the Rio Olympics experience and the Children’s Science Center.

We visited the 3D Printing the Future exhibit, where we learned about 3D printing technology and how it is being used in a variety of ways to make our lives better. We saw tools on the space station created by 3D printing. We even learned that one day this technology may help create organs for transplant recipients.

The Amazing You exhibit helped Ajax and Buttercup learn about their senses and how they can affect daily life. Ajax liked the operation table – it really is a life-sized operation game! Buttercup loved the sound exhibit; she played the keyboard to make all types of sounds. There were also hearing tests, body mass exhibits, Hollywood Squares style trivia about the body, and a DUI impairment exhibit with googles constructed to simulate intoxicated vision and a DUI sobriety test.

The highlight of the trip to MOSI for Ajax and Buttercup had to be the Children’s Science Center. This exhibit had a little bit of everything to peak their interests. Ajax spent a good deal of time in the drone area where he could control drones with touchscreens. Buttercup loved a string maze that reminded her of a spiderweb. She tried to climb over, under, and around the strings trying to get out of the puzzle. Both Ajax and Buttercup loved the Imagination Playground, an area of blue foam construction materials including blocks, tubes, and gears of all sizes. Mommy and Daddy wished we had toys like this when we grew up! They both made new friends, while working together to build the fort of their dreams.

We’ve been to MOSI before, but after this trip we’ll be back more often!


Ajax and Buttercup entering MOSI.


Buttercup checking out a skeleton.


Playing soccer in the Rio Olympic Games!


Checking out the Children’s Science Center.


Buttercup navigating a string maze.


The biggest Tinker Toys ever!


Future engineers and developers.

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